
Sydley Koschel Financial tips for business

Tips For Business

Let’s face it, being an entrepreneur is tough. It’s a risky endeavour, but comes with the dream of big rewards. Below are four tips to be a successful entrepreneur. We can’t guarantee your success, but I can help steer you in the right direction. The rest is up to you! Cash Flow Without cash flow, […]
21 Sep 2018
Financial Growth

Self-Managed Super Funds – Are you prepared for Unexpected Event

Life is unexpected, and being prepared for all aspects isn’t always possible. Ask yourself, if something were to happen to me or to another trustee within my Self-managed super fund (SMSF), would I have the knowledge or understanding to successfully operate this super fund? Prepare for the Unexpected Whether this be illness, incapacity, death or […]
21 Aug 2018
Sydley Koschel Financial Adviser

Ten Things To Look For When Choosing A Financial Adviser

1) They adopt a proactive strategy Communication is key, good financial advisers will keep you updated on current financial opportunities and potential problems. Advisers should always help you understand complicated financial concepts by explaining them to you in a way that makes them easy to understand. Beware of advisers that can’t be bothered to spend […]
19 Jul 2018
Entrepreneur Financial Advice


We’re witnessing the rise of the smartphone entrepreneur. When asked what the most important tool for running a business would be in the future young entrepreneurs’ said, smartphones. A stagging 70% of internet traffic now comes from mobile devices. We check our phones about 85 times a day. You’re probably reading this on one right […]
24 Jun 2018 entrepreneur
Sedley Koschel Financial Advice on Technology

Let go of old tech

What matters most in business is your ability to adapt to the changing world around you. However, many businesses continue to use outdated technologies that are not fit in today’s digital economy. With 55% still using fax machines, and 56% are still using flash drives. There are far too many businesses still relying on spreadsheets […]
22 May 2018 fax
Sedley Koschel Files

Tips to help small businesses prepare for EOFY (June/July)

If you’re chasing invoices around from this financial year now is the time to enlist some help from an accountant. Consider whether your accounting software can take the hassle out of chasing payments, sending online invoices or automated reminders so you get paid on time. Pay your debts Make sure all your bills are accounted […]
8 May 2018
Sedley Koschel finance and report management

What is a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund?

What is a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund?   One of the best means for saving for retirement is a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF). A SMSF allows you to guide your own investment strategy, minimize administration costs and reduce tax while obtaining tax benefits. A Self-Managed Super Fund is different to other types of funds in that […]
12 Apr 2018 Self Managed Super Fund
Financial Profit

5 Reasons Why Returns Are Likely To Be Solid In 2017-18

Key points Despite a lengthy list of worries including Brexit, Trump and messy Australian growth, the past financial year saw strong returns for diversified investors as shares recovered from a rough time in 2015-16. Key lessons for investors from the last financial year include: turn down the noise around financial markets, maintain a well-diversified portfolio; […]
21 Jul 2017 Financial Planning
Private Wealth Management

16 Tax Tips from 2017

Do you know the tax deductions and offsets for which you might be eligible? The following tips may help you to legitimately reduce your tax liability in your 2016-17 return. Claim work-related deductions Claiming all work-related deduction entitlements may save considerable tax. Typical work-related expenses include employment-related telephone, mobile phone, internet usage, computer repairs, union […]
24 Jun 2017